Wednesday 19 October 2011

The Big Energy Rip Off!

It has been annunced this past week that the average amount of money being made from each energy custromer has increased from £15.00 per year to £125.00 per year.

The government has been sitting on its hands generally while the rest of us have to cop the burden of this ridiculous rip-off.

Although some suppliers out there do encourange customers to save money, generally speaking there is little scope for the consumer to reduce their energy costs. Energy companies are quite right to point out that musch of the rises has been due to the escalating cost in the wholesale market.

The goverment has to take some degree of culpability, because the wholsesale price is directly affected by the weakness of the pound. Austerity measures have lead to a slowdown in growth and business confidence is surely at an all time low.

If we are unable to trade internationally there is no demand on the pound. This combined with the newly announced £75 Billion quantative easing only further devalue our currency which means it will continue to cost more to import oil and gas.

Inflation this week was again up to 5.2%. With wages growth stagnating and economic growth non-exisitent, the orindary householder is suffering further pressures to keep the household bidget in check. With less disposable income avaiable, there is little chance for an end to this current depression.

The savy consumer may find ways to make savings on their household bills, but for those without internet access may find it diffiuclt ahead of the winter.

It is time for the government to start addressing these issues or we will be continually ripped off but this almost unchesked industry.